Nepal Dental Distributor’s Association: Together for Better Smiles
Discover Dental Excellence with NDDA

Nepal Dental Distributor’s Association (NDDA) stand for the dental Disctribution’s of Nepal. It has been established to as as a mother organization for the welfare of dental distributors. It does work in the field of uplifting the dental distributions by organizing continuing Dental Distributors Expo. Seminars and visits for the professional development from national and international speakers.
Our Executive Team Members
Meet the dedicated professionals driving our mission forward with their expertise and passion.

Salik Ram Aryal

Sunil Baraili

Niranjan Khatiwada

Keshab Prasad Lamsal

Prashant Kumar Sanghai

Asst. Treasurer
Shekhar Prasad Subedi

Executive Members
Sanjeeb Baral

Executive Members
Suman Adhikari

Executive Members
Ramesh Timialsina

Executive Members
Hari Raj Regmi

Executive Members
Suwaa Shrestha

Executive Members
Ammar Raj Bashyal

Executive Members
Roshir Maskey